
  • DōJoe
  • DōJoe
  • DōJoe
  • Kamado Joe DõJoe wedge-shaped pizza oven
  • A pizza being fed into the DõJoe using the pizza peel
  • A pizza cooking in the DõJoe
  • Make your pizza on our pizza peel for easy transport to your DõJoe
  • A finished pizza fresh out of the DõJoe


2.790,00 kr
Model Number

Transform your Kamado Joe grill into a best-in-class pizza oven and create authentic-styled pizza with our DōJoe accessory. Effortlessly maintain steady temperatures ranging from 204°C to 370°C with the distinctive wedge shape, while also allowing full visibility to monitor food during the cook process without the hassle of opening and closing the grill dome. For the ultimate culinary experience, we also recommend using the Pizza Cutter accessory.

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Perfect Your Pie

Transform your Kamado Joe grill into a best-in-class pizza oven and create authentic-styled pizza with our DōJoe accessory. Effortlessly maintain steady temperatures ranging from 204°C to 370°C with the distinctive wedge shape, while also allowing full visibility to monitor food during the cook process without the hassle of opening and closing the grill dome. For the ultimate culinary experience, we also recommend using the Pizza Cutter accessory.

Full of Features

  • Innovative wedge shape to maintain steady temperatures without opening or closing grill dome
  • Maintain internal grill temperatures over the course of hours
  • Made from premium cast aluminum material
  • Full visibility inside in order to monitor food during the cook process
  • For best results, pair with the Kamado Joe Pizza Cutter accessory
  • Classic Joe™ DōJoe fits all Kamado Joe Classic Series and Kamado Joe Konnected Joe™ grills
  • Big Joe™ DōJoe fits all Kamado Joe Big Joe Series grills
Kamado Joe Community




How do I find the Model and Serial Number?
The model number and serial number for your Kamado Joe grill can be found in the owner’s manual that comes included with your grill.
How do I reach Customer Support?
Customer support can be reached by creating a customer support ticket at the Contact Us page.